Chapter 751 My Cock & Pussy Encounter:>>Ep4
- During the debrief, Dr Kaur asked a lot of questions about those final two clips, trying to understand what it was about them that turned me on. After some back and forth with her, I realized that what turned me on about the sleeping scene was the way it was all about the woman's pleasure. It was the exact opposite of your typical porn video. In that clip, the woman didn't care about the man's pleasure. She initiated the encounter solely to get herself off and the man was just a means to an end, a tool, no different than a dildo. And I found that different and sexy.
- As for the incest clip, I realized (to my relief) that what turned me on about it wasn't the mother/son angle, but the fact that the "mother" was so turned on that she eventually allowed the encounter to occur, despite knowing it was wrong. Her lust overcame her judgment. In the heat of the moment, she wanted to fuck so badly that she was able to push all the consequences out of her mind. That was sexy.